WA Grains provides an alternate avenue for grain sales, allowing you to capitalise on local market and international opportunities throughout the year. We purchase all grain types in the market, including wheat, barley, canola, lupins and oats, either on a Free In Store (FIS), delivered or ex-farm basis. WA Grains provides secure, simple contracting, and reliable payment, if you’re worried about payment security with any buyer / contract please call the office to discuss our credit insurance options.
Benefits of selling via WA Grains
- Access domestic market opportunities for all grains
- Flexible and deferred payment options
- Credit insurance on all grain contracts
Growers can sell their grain with confidence and ease, either through their broker or direct with us. WA Grains can supply the following quality products:

As lupins are 40 to 45 per cent protein, 25 to 30 per cent dietary fibre, and have little or no starch plus are low in oil, it’s no surprise this grain has been touted as the next super grain.

WA produces malting barley that is world renowned for quality and is the preferred product to many of the world’s largest breweries such as Asahi, Kirin and Tsingtao.

Wheat is one of the main winter broadacre crops grown in Australia with sowing starting in March – May and harvesting, occurring anytime from October to March

#Oats are grown in rotation with winter and summer crops (cereals, oilseeds and legumes) depending on the climate.

Canola is one of Australia’s major oilseed crops and Australia is becoming renowned as a supplier of high quality edible oilseeds.

Chickpea are a suitable break crop for heavier soils with pH above 5.5 in Calcium Chloride.